The Facts: Abstract design rules the day with this painterly piece. Three main materials were used in the construction of this unique member of The Life & Work collection; art glass, aluminum and marble. A thin slice of premium stone is makes up the base, giving it a slight, but solid appearance. Sitting directly atop the black marble is a beautiful, polished aluminum stand and bracket (all one piece) which capably suspends the generous platter of multi-colored art glass in place.
Subjective Interpretation: It has been said on more than one occasion that this piece exudes the confidence and flair of a young person setting out to conquer the proverbial world! With designs reminiscent of Minnesotan history (Native American) and an abstract layout that looks sort of like a reimagined Great Lakes region, this piece captures the topography of both Henry's location and his fertile mind. He was indeed ready to make his mark.
Creative Note: As stated above, this piece uses three separate materials in its singularly unique construction. The art glass plate is removable and extremely fragile. At times, it almost looks like metal, thanks to the glass detail resembling so closely a painted slab. The marble base is never imposing, as any heavy stone can sometimes be. It is used here very sparingly to deliver a sturdy, but lithe, bottom in keeping with its delicate components.